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Feature Friday: Why should Schools join us?

Published Bernice on Friday, June 10, 2022 12:00 AM

Why should Schools become members of Schools & Agents?

In our Feature Friday article last week we spoke to you about why we think agents should join the Schools & Agents network and what are the advantages of such a membership. In today's article we're going to shift our focus to schools and we're going to look at our Unique Selling Points (USP's) in that department, and why we think that a Schools & Agents membership for schools is ideal.

So here we go...

The Schools & Agents Platform is an Excellent Way to meet New Agents

Schools are always on the lookout for new agents. On Schools & Agents we make sure that you, not only have the chance to meet the 600+ agents in our Members Directory, but also those who are subscribed to our newsletter and who follow us on Social Media. Our agents come from over 80 countries worldwide, so on Schools & Agents you will definitely find some new agents to connect with. A lot of people ask us, "But where do you find these agents?". Just like we do promos for schools, we also create content to attract agents to join our network, even though the majority of them are hand picked and personally invited to join. We are very careful with and very much aware of the importance of quality, so all of our agents are vetted by us, and they only get the approval to become members once we check them.

We are currently going through our whole Database of Agents one-by-one to continue to ensure Quality

We regularly go through our database of agents and we are currently undergoing this massive project in order to ensure that we continue to deliver quality agents via our Direcotry. This massive task consists of us going through each and every profile, getting in touch with each and every agent, and updating all of their details to make sure that our schools know what area of specialisation the agent has. That way, they only connect with valid partners and save lots of precious time.

The Schools & Agents Platform is an Excellent Place to share Content about your School

Those who follow our posts and articles regularly know that we are firm believers in the importance of content. And the Schools & Agents is the perfect place for your to share content about your school on a third-party website, with external links, images and all the other Digital Marketing and SEO pointers that help boost your visibility and online presence. Our membership options entitle schools to share a different number of articles on our platform on a monthly basis. This choice mainly depends on how much content the school can or wants to produce. An important thing to point out over here is that, we also have content writing packages to help those schools who are too busy and do not have time to create content themselves.

The Schools & Agents Platform is Excellent Value for Money

When you consider that this platform is a space where you can meet agents, share content, and have a profile with links to your site, social media and contact info...and it all starts from 300 Euro per year, then I'm sure you can agree with us that this excellent value for money. The amount of visibility you get on Schools & Agents, compared to how much it costs, makes this decision a no-brainer!

The Schools & Agents Platform is Excellent because Agents prefer to read about you

In 2022 some still believe in cold-calling and they forget that we now live in a world where people are used to having information which can be accessed from anywhere at any time. For this reason (but not for this reason alone), cold-calling is frowned upon by a lot of agents, and whenever we speak to them they tell us that what they love about Schools & Agents is the fact that they get to read about schools, go and read up about them, check their website and they get in touch with them. Sometimes, they also ask us for recommendations, and the content that you share on the Schools & Agents platform serves as a way to help us to get to know you more as well and be able to suggest you to agents more regularly.

When you look at the whole picture, Schools & Agents is a great place to boost your Visibility

Be it through key words used in articles, back links, images, and videos about your school, the Schools & Agents platform is a great place to enhance your visibility and your brand. Our member schools often tell us that when they have face-to-face meetings with new agents, for example at a workshop of a conference, the agents often comment on the fact that they would have already heard and read about the school on our platform. Isn't that just great?! 

So what are you waiting for?

The time is now. With the upcoming peak season in most places, this is the best period to generate new content and have to things to write about. So get in touch with us today by sending an email on [email protected] so that we can set you up with the best membership option to suit your needs, and by the time conference season is back, you'll already have started to make a name for yourselves!


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